RAAW Juice — Future 6 Event at Graffiti Junktion 2 in Orlando

Three of the fantastic mixed drinks/shots that were made using It Tastes RAAW Juices at the Future 6 anniversary party!

This past weekend, the RAAW Juice team was fortunate enough to be a part of Future 6’s anniversary party at Graffiti Junktion in Orlando, FL. We all had a fantastic time!

Not only did we pass out coupons, grocery totes, and t-shirts; the lovely folks at Graffiti Junktion 2 mixed up drinks for everyone using It Tastes RAAW Juices!! Everyone had an opportunity to come over and sample the drinks and take their favorite to the bar for a cocktail or shot. It was fantastic to be able to show how versatile the drink is.

Now, we are also hosting a Facebook contest to see if other people can create some splendid new recipes utilizing the It Tastes RAAW lineup. Be sure to like our page and send in some recipes to share with everyone and have an opportunity to win some FREE juice too!

Here is our page: http://www.facebook.com/RAAWJuices

All of the drink recipes can also be found on our Facebook page in the album “RAAW Recipes” so that you can try them out!